Yoko Yoko
1261 S Diamond Bar Blvd
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
(909) 860-4000
If the building, address, and phone number are familiar they are. What used to be Rendino's is now Yoko Yoko Sushi. Opened for about a month this place had a steady flow of people coming in for dinner.
Pictured is the cut yellowtail roll, $5.75. I had ordered the sushi, not the cut roll but I was ok with the roll. I prefer the sushi, because they are smaller and have less rice. This roll was pretty good. The yellowtail was fresh and I did like the texture combination of the rice, seaweed wrap and yellowtail.
The cut tuna roll, $3.80. I thought this was very small and would have much preferred the tuna sushi. I didn't think the tuna was all that fresh and very mushy. Not good.
The halibut sushi, $4.95. I thought this was great. Very fresh, very tasty and well made.
Service was below average. After I was seated she came by and asked "What would you like to order?" Don't all servers ask "What would you like to drink?" first? I said I would like "Ice tea, please." She then said "Oh, what would you like to drink?" Maybe she's hasn't been trained well. Maybe they are going through growing pains. Maybe she just doesn't have a clue. But this has to improve.
She screwed up the sushi order, giving me cut rolls instead of regular sushi. I had to wait a long time for refills, the server was rarely came around to the table. I was waiting to place another order for sushi. She was nice and pleasant but she isn't well trained or just doesn't care.
I don't think I would go back to Yoko Yoko again. The sushi is pretty good. But a bit on the pricey side. The server is lacking and needs much improvement.